('This Is What We Believe')
THAT there is ONLY ONE True Living GOD Universally, Multiversally, Multi-Dimensionally, Eternally & Temporally. HE is the ONE True Living GOD (Yahweh or Jehovah), the GOD of Abraham Isaac & Jacob, the God of King David and the True God of the Mighty Biblical Prophet Daniel ...
THAT WE ARE: The ONLY Global End-Time True Remnant™ & True Christian™ Faith & Church (Assembly) having been so Divinely Planned, Created, Covenanted & Holy Spirit Filled (both by Receiving & Empowerment) and established by God (Yahweh) for HIS True End-Time Purposes, Honour & Glory ...
THAT WE ARE: The ONLY Global End-Time HOLY True Christian™ Church (Assembly) having been so Consecrated & Sanctified BY God through HIS Holy Spirit having also been Divinely Planned, Created, Covenanted & Holy Spirit Filled (both by Receiving & Empowerment) and established by God (Yahweh) for HIS True End-Time Purposes, Honour & Glory ...
THAT WE ARE: The ONLY Third Covenant Nation™ having been so Divinely Planned, Created, Covenanted & Holy Spirit Filled (both by Receiving & Empowerment) and established by God (Yahweh) for HIS True End-Time Purposes, Honour & Glory ...
THAT: Confidence we have through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in/of ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but OUR competence comes from OUR unique Covenants with God. HE has made us ALL competent as Ministers (Priests) of HIS New Covenants not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life and the Holy Spirit within us, is received and empowers the WHOLE of OUR Holy & Global Faith, Church/Assembly & Ministries ...
THAT WE ARE ALL: TRUE CHRISTIANS™ 'Followers of Jesus (Yeshua) Our Saviour Jesus Christ, the Victorious Son of the One True Living God (Yahweh or Jehovah), the God of Abraham Isaac & Jacob, the God of King David and the True God of the Mighty Biblical Prophet Daniel ...
THAT AS WE ARE ALL: TRUE CHRISTIANS™ ...WE are the End-Time Royal Priesthood™ of which Our Saviour Yeshua (Jesus Christ) IS THE KING & HIGH PRIEST thereof ...
Jesus said: 'I AM the way, and the truth, and the life. NO-ONE comes to the Father except THROUGH ME' (John 14:v6)
“And there is Salvation in NO ONE else, for there is NO OTHER name under heaven given among men by which we MUST be saved' (Acts 4:v12)
'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved' (John 3:v16-17)
THAT WE ARE ALL: Flawed sinners who have fallen short of the glory of God, walking a daily life path within the fiery 'crucible' of this fallen world, which we ALL traverse, being subjected to the many, many deceptions, oppressions, temptations, accusations and limitations of 'The Enemy'. We ONLY have Victory over ALL these things through the Victory won for us by Yeshua (Jesus), by God's Grace and the help, love, guidance and comfort of the Holy Spirit ...
THAT WE ARE ALL: Flawed sinners and NO sin is greater than another and that we do not sit in judgement over one another but seek OUR God's guidance, love and grace to overcome any sin remaining within in our lives or failures that cause us to fall short of his glory ...
THAT WE ARE ALL: Flawed sinners and that ALL people have sinned and come short of the Glory of God, and that repentance is commanded by God and it is necessary for the forgiveness of sin ...
THAT WE ARE ALL: Seeking after righteousness and to be like Yeshua (Jesus) but we ALL truly love God (Yahweh) and we are HIS children and being so 'uncorrupted' and 'justified' by our faith in Yeshua (Jesus) we are God's ONLY End-Time True Remnant™ True Christian™ Bride and the ONLY End-Time Body of Christ and that we are the TRUE™ 'uncorrupted' and SOLE inheritors of 'eternal life' with HIM ...
THAT we Decree & Declare and Identify ourselves as God's ONLY End-Time True Remnant™ & Holy True Christian™ Church/Assembly & Third Covenant Nation™ ...
THAT God has Prophetically Decreed & Declared this to us and has entered into Divine Covenants with us for these his End-Time Purposes, Honour and Glory and that HE has both Consecrated & Sanctified us 'For Such A Time As This' as HIS End-Time Royal Priesthood, Holy Church & Body of Christ purposes ...
FOR WE ARE: The ONLY Global End-Time True Remnant™ & HOLY True Christian™ Faith, Church (Assembly) having been so Divinely Planned, Created, Covenanted, Consecrated, Sanctified & Holy Spirit Filled (both by Receiving & Empowerment) and established by God (Yahweh) through HIS Holy Spirit for these HIS TRUE™ End-Time Purposes, Honour & Glory ...
WE BEING the ONLY Global End-Time True Remnant™ & HOLY True Christian™ Faith, Church (Assembly) having been called and established by God (Yahweh) as HIS ONLY End-Time 'Third Covenant Nation' ...
WE BEING the TRUE™ 'Apostolical Successors', the End-Time 'Divine Restoration and Resurrection' of the FIRST TRUE Remnant™ & Holy TRUE Christian™ Faith & Church of the Apostles Lazarus, Paul & Barnabas that WAS NOT and which WAS NOT EVER 'corrupted' neither Apostolically, Doctrinally, Spiritually nor Genetically. Having been FIRST created and established by Our Sovereign Lord God (YHWH) in Cyprus (Kition) 33A.D. through HIS TRUE™ Apostle Lazarus of Bethany, the dearest friend of Our Saviour Yeshua, whom he raised from the Dead ...
THAT in the Luciferian Controlled 'Global, World, Ecumenical, Inter-Faith & Evangelical Alliance Church' (Global Church & Levitical Priesthood) terms they would label/call us 'Christians' or members of the (Christian Faith/Religion) but we DO NOT recognise them ...
THAT we DO NOT submit to ANY of the False Levitical Priesthood, Temporal, Spiritual or Doctrinal Authority of ANY of these 'corrupted entities' be they in Roman Catholicism, Anglicanism, Protestantism, Ecumenism or ANY other 'World Church' (World Council of Churches), Denomination or the 'Evangelical Alliance' Congregation or the Global False Body of Christ from Ascension to 2024 ...
THAT this is because whatever 'Divine Spiritual Authority' which had originally been given by Yeshua (Jesus) to Peter the Apostle ('The Rock') and to their (Global Church) had been totally corrupted (ICHABOD) from the very beginning of 'The First Church' by 'the Enemy' (LCF) via his 'human proxies' (The Infernally 'Law' Led Levitical, Mosaic & Theological Priesthoods of 'legalism' of the early church formed, directed and legalised by Jewish Christians within Jewish Synagogues) and subsequently by the very many 'lawless and so-called religious men and women in the Global/World Church' over ALL AGES to 2024...
THAT they ALL did this for their OWN purposes and that these are those who over ALL Ages who were/are/will be the Primates,Popes, Primary Priesthoods, Spiritual Leadership, Cardinals, ArchBishops, Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Synods, Clergy, Councils of the 'Multi-Denominational' Christian Churches (over 41,000 Denominations), Doctrines and Cults ...
THAT the largest 'Christian Church' as measured by nationhood is currently (2024) within the United States of America but both the People and the Apostate Christian Church in the USA have renounced its Second Nation Covenant with God and has now become the biblical Hissing Sound and the End-Time Mystery Babylon ...
THAT just like the Fallen Angels, the Global and American Churches have left their first estate and have ALL become an unrepentant abomination before the Lord and that God's Sword of Spiritual Judgement is going to start to fall upon them ALL (from Feb to Apr 2024 onwards), as Prophetically Decreed and Declared to our Founder in 2019 and as foretold biblically by God's mighty prophets ...
THAT via the 'Pharmakeia' they have now freely exposed themselves to what they have always truly been, as a 'hidden' part of the Luciferian Global Death Cult, Religion and the Priesthood thereof, which until recently was the 'hidden' but now fast arising 'One World Religion' of Lucifer ...
THAT as 'Leaders' thereof, they swear 'fielty' to 'The Enemy' (LCF) in either 'Thought, Word, Deed, Prosperity, Doctrines, Bowing of the Knee or even by giving Blood-Oaths' and/or by any of these mechanism or by giving over their own individual (Spiritual Legal Authority) or even by entering into 'Dark, Secret or Deluded Covenants' with 'The Enemy' and his generational Global Occult Oligarchy and/or 'proxy' Global Hegemonic Governments ...
THAT over ALL Ages they have fully corrupted the Holy Scipture to obey and follow the commands, purposes, influence, coercion, will and agenda of their true 'Master' {LCF), engrossing 'Doctrines of Corruption' which have completely destroyed the Church and Body Of Christ. The final corruption being their full acceptance by acqiescence thereof ...
THAT there is one God, 'Yahweh' (YHWH), the God of Abraham Isaac & Jacob who exists eternally in three distinct but equal persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God is unchangeable in his holiness, justice, wisdom and love. HE is the Almighty Creator; Saviour and Judge (Father, Friend & Judge) who also sustains and governs all things according to HIS Sovereign will for HIS own glory ...
THAT Our Victorious Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua) IS OUR KING & HIGH PRIEST OF HIS ROYAL PRIESTHOOD OF HIS uncorrupted End-Time Body of Christ ...
THAT Our Victorious Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua) is FULLY God and was FULLY man. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a Virgin (Mary), and lived a sinless life in Obedience to the Father. He taught with great Authority and ALL of his words are TRUE. He died on the CROSS, in the place of sinners, bearing ALL of God's punishment for their sin, redeeming them by his BLOOD. He rose from the dead and in his resurrection body ascended into heaven where he is exalted as Lord of ALL. He now intercedes for HIS TRUE people in the presence of the Father ...
THAT Our Victorious Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua) (who was God manifest in the flesh) IS the SOLE and ABSOLUTE authority in all matters pertaining to faith and practice, as revealed in the Holy Scriptures ...
THAT Our Victorious Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua) will RETURN soon in these current End-Times and that he will return together with ALL the Company of Heaven both in 'GREAT GLORY' and in 'BATTLE MODE' ...
THAT Our Victorious Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua) will RAISE the dead and JUDGE the WHOLE WORLD in righteousness and the wicked and the servants/proxies of 'The Enemy'' will be judged according to their 'whole life history' and by their 'works on earth' and that they will subsequently be judged to be full of 'iniquity and sin' and that they being without Salvation in Yeshua (Jesus), will be sent into Hell Fire for ALL eternity ...
THAT Salvation is entirely a work of God's Grace and cannot ever be earned or deserved. It has been accomplished SOLELY by our Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua) and that it is offered to ALL those made in GOD's likeness, being in True Repentance and who are justified by their Faith in Yeshua (Jesus).
God (Yahweh) in his GREAT LOVE forgives ALL Truly Repentant Sinners who are made in HIS likeness. Our Father grants ALL who believe in Jesus (Yeshua) who being justified by Faith alone, are then adopted into the family of God (Yahweh) being welcomed into a life of eternal joy in fellowship with God (Yahweh) and will ALL receive eternal life. God (Yahweh) will make ALL things new and HE will be glorified forever ...

God so loved the world that he gave his ONLY Son Jesus (Yeshua) that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3 v16) ...
THAT WE BELIEVE this is TRUE for ALL who are TRULY Repentant and Faithful believers in Yeshua (Jesus), unless they have been 'genetically and spiritually corrupted' by the infernal 'Pharmakeia' of 'The Enemy' (LCF) ...
Whereby ONCE 'corrupted' via 'The Enemy's' 'Pharmakeia' ...
THAT WITHOUT them showing and demonstrating their own subsequent Full True Repentance and via Renewed Baptism & Restoration and by Faith in Yeshua (Jesus), THEY DO FOREVER remain 'genetically and spiritually corrupted and that they are condemned for ALL of eternity', having freely given and surrendered themselves to damnation via the same 'Pharmakeia' of 'Tne Enemy' ...
THAT this Salvation through Jesus (John 3 v16) is ONLY available for 'GOD's CHILDREN' ...
THAT those who are genetically uncorrupted, those who were made and who so remain in God's likeness and who are NOT genetically altered or genomically altered and corrupted in any way whatsoever, are STILL GOD's CHILDREN ...
THAT bearing in mind the imminent coming Falsehoods, Decrees & Declarations of the Roman Catholic Church and the 'Global Church' pursuant to 'Disclosure' (The Doctrine of Aliens, Fallen Angels, Multi-Dimensional, Multiversal or Ancient Progenitors of Humanity), this Salvation through Jesus (John 3 v16) is ONLY available for 'GOD's CHILDREN' ...
THAT The Holy Spirit has been sent from heaven to glorify Jesus (Yeshua) and to apply his work of Salvation. This same Holy Spirit convicts sinners, imparts spiritual life and gives a TRUE understanding of ALL of the Scriptures & God's Truth. He dwells within ALL 'TRUE Believers' (again this is unless they have been 'genetically and spiritually corrupted' by the 'Pharmakeia' of 'The Enemy' (LCF) ...
THAT the Holy Spirit dwells within the Global End-Time True Remnant™ Church and he empowers ALL of it's members for Worship, for Full Spectrum & Intensive & Asymmetric Spiritual Warfare™, for Global Remnant Christian Service and for Global Remnant Christian Mission ...
THAT the Holy Spirit brings assurance of Salvation but ONLY to those who are 'genetically or spiritually uncorrupted' (those without the 'Pharmakeia') as the Holy Spirit produces an increasing likeness to Yeshua (Jesus) by his very presence, influence and guidance ...
THAT the 'daemoniac genetic and spiritual corruption' of the infernal 'Pharmakeia' does so 'grieve' the Holy Spirit' that he CANNOT dwell within any 'Body Temple So Corrupted' especially where the primary 'Spiritual Legal Authority' has been given decidedly by the individual themselves (freewill consent) for the delivery of the aforesaid infernal 'spiritual and genomic corruption' ...
THAT it is preposterous to assume that the Holy Spirit could or would abide within those who have received any of the 'Pharmakeia' and in those believers who are therefore DNA 'genetically corrupted' or within those believers who are also 'genetically and spiritually corrupted' by the DNA of 'The Enemy' (LCF) and his truly Infernal Cohorts ...
THAT it is plainly 'heretical and deceptive' for those who deny this 'spiritual maxim' to say otherwise. They are 'Of Their Father Lucifer' and we 'Rebuke THEM in Yeshua's Name' for this and for what they have done to their own Brothers & Sisters in Christ, to their 'Flocks' and to the innocent children thereof ...
THAT it is through THESE WOLVES that the 'corruption' was 'endorsed' in the first place. Some of these (WOLVES - PSEUDO SHEPHERDS) even used their Churches, Chapels, Missions and their Ministry Operations as 'Pharmakeia Centres', to defile and desecrate God's Altars, God's House, God's People and the Holy 'Body Temples' of members of their Flock, including their children ...
THAT it is a matter of 'public record' that the enemy (LCF) via his human proxies within the US Department of Defence (DOD) assisted in and trialled the genomic DNA technology used within the 'Pharmakeia' from 2007 onwards. within their 'super-soldier' programmes. The Holy Spirit cannot therefore abide within them ...
THAT upon noting the DNA changes in their test subjects they resolved that a new form of human being had subsequently been created which they then called 'Homo Borg Genesis' as they were no longer genetically 'Homo Sapiens'. The Holy Spirit cannot therefore abide within them ...
'In other words, they were/are no longer created in God's TRUE likeness as 'God's Children' but that they had evolved into a type of 'chimera' and are continuing to evolve into this new 'chimeric humanoid' which had/has a different DNA to the original person. Likewise, the Holy Spirit cannot therefore abide within them ...
THAT The Holy Bible tells us there are 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit. These gifts are the FULL manifestation of the POWER and AUTHORITY given to you by the Holy Spirit in order to accomplish God's (Yahweh) WILL on earth ...
THAT if you remain 'uncorrupted' and are 'still made in the true likeness' of God (Yahweh) and as the End-Time True Remnant™ and as Third Nation Covenant™ believers, WE ALL have an inheritance of POWER and AUTHORITY through Christ Jesus and he has given us POWER & AUTHORITY over ALL things in his Name ...
Our Saviour Yeshua (Jesus) said:
'Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and GREATER works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in MY name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in MY name, I WILL DO IT (John 14v12-14)
'Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you' (Luke 10v19)
Therefore friends, ask for the following gifts of the Holy Spirit to be FULLY manifested in your life!
- The Word of Wisdom—This gift of the Holy Spirit works with the word of knowledge. It gives you the ability and understanding of how to apply the word of knowledge ...
- The Word of Knowledge—This gift of the Holy Spirit is knowing something you cannot know based on your human intelligence ...
- The Gift of Faith—This gift of the Holy Spirit grows as we walk with the Lord. You are saved by faith. The gift of faith is knowing full well that you cannot accomplish something alone but that the Lord has empowered you to move into new levels to do miracles and wonders in His name ...
- The Gifts of Healings—There are actually different kinds of healings that the Spirit will do. Notice that the scripture says “gifts,” plural. These gifts equip you in various ways to access healing for yourself or be an anointed vessel that will heal others ...
- The Working of Miracles—This gift of the Holy Spirit is depicted throughout the Bible, from Moses parting the Red Sea to Jesus feeding 5,000 people. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Therefore, He is still in the business of working miracles. Similar to the word of knowledge, this spiritual gift is manifested by the Holy Spirit, not human efforts. The work is inexplainable by nature. It edifies and delivers others ...
- The Gift of Prophecy—This gift of the Holy Spirit is one that the scripture says “to especially desire.” This gift is a direct Word from the Lord to be given to someone else to edify and build them up ...
- The Discerning of Spirits—This gift of the Holy Spirit equips the discerner to see evil spirits operating in someone’s life. The Holy Spirit pulls back the curtains, exposing the evil spirits so that the person can experience a breakthrough from their bondage ...
- Different Kinds of Tongues—This gift of the Holy Spirit is simply a supernatural ability to speak and pray in a tongue you do not naturally know. This can be spoken in prayer directly to God or in an assembly where God anoints another Believer, with the gift of interpretation, to interpret the word spoken in the native tongue of the congregation (1 Corinthians 14v2, 13-14) ...
- The Interpretation of Tongues—This gift of the Holy Spirit is to interpret the tongue that was spoken. This can be for yourself (see 1 Corinthians 14v13-14) or the Church (see 1 Corinthians 14v27-28) ...
THAT we believe IN THE HOLY BIBLE and that God has revealed himself in the Holy Bible, which consists of both the Old and New Testaments alone. Every word included therein was inspired by God through HIS own human authors, so that the Bible as originally given by God was in its entirety the true Word of God, and is fully reliable in fact and doctrine ...
THAT we believe IN THE HOLY BIBLE and in the whole of the Apochryphal Texts (ἀπόκρυφος), which were deliberately omitted from the Holy Bible by religious men & women (they) of gross deceptive intent, being inspired and controlled by their own pride and egos and by The Enemy and the spirits of religion, greed, power, entitlement and position ...
THAT we believe IN THE HOLY BIBLE and that through the many Ecumenical Councils and Synods, Evangelical Alliances and Inter-Faith doctrines from the days of the early church (right from the Ascension of our Lord) to this current time in 2024, wherein and/or whereby (they) did falsely decree/decreed that ALL of their canons of infallibility had divine spiritual authority. They did this whilst knowing that what they had/have done was corrupted and that by them having such iniquity both in their hearts and in church canons, that those doctrines were/are without true spiritual legal authority but they continued to deceive the 'Body of Christ across ALL of the Ages of Mankind and the World Church descended from the Apostle Peter ...
THAT these corrupted so-called 'Ecumenical Councils & Synods' include but are not limited to the Council of Jerusalem (c.50 AD), the Council of Rome (155 AD), the Second Council of Rome (193 AD), the Council of Ephesus (193 AD), the Council of Carthage (251 AD), The Council of Iconium (258 AD) The Council of Antioch (264 AD), The Councils of Arabia (246 & 247 AD) The Council of Elvira (306 AD), The Council of Carthage (31 AD), The Synod of Neo-Caeserea (c.314 AD), The Council of Anevra (314 AD), The Council of Aries (314 AD), The Council of Nicaea (325 AD), The Second Council of Nicaea (787 AD), The Council of Trent (1545-63 AD) religious men of deceptive intent inspired by The Enemy and the spirit of religion also excluded the Apocryphal Texts ...
THAT we acknowledge that throughout history, men and women with much temporal and spiritual power and influence, both within and outside of the Global Church have removed certain supernatural warfare texts and understanding from the Holy Bible. These missing texts being most of the historic spiritually significant and supernatural knowledge from the 'Canonical Text' of the Bible. They ALL did this knowingly for their OWN benefit and empowerment and/or in their service and for the protection of The Enemy (LCF) who was always and is their true master ...
THAT some of these texts like the Apocryphal Texts (e.g.Book of Enoch relating to the Fallen Watcher Angels and The Testament of Solomon) provide essential and substantial insight into major historic, spiritual and supernatural events, that ALL Christian Spiritual Warfare Warriors should know in the coming days and ...For A Time Such As This! ...
THAT OUR Global End-Time True Remnant™ & Holy True Christian™ Church is the ONLY Third Covenant Nation™ created by God (Yahweh) ...
THAT the Global End-Time True Remnant™ & Holy True Christian™ Church comprising of ALL Global End-Time True Remnant™ & True Christians™ and the Global End-Time True Remnant™ of Israel are ALL living and inalienable parts of the Third Covenant Nation™ and that we are the ONLY uncorrupted TRUE™ End-Time Body of Christ created by OUR God (Yahweh) for HIS End-Time Purposes, Honour and Glory ...

THAT the Global End-Time True Remnant™ & Holy True Christian™ Church being the ONLY Third Covenant Nation™ created by God (Yahweh) now has Liberty and the SOLE End-Time Divine Authority, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to interpret and administer God's laws to ALL members of the Global End-Time True Remnant & Holy True Christian™ Church (Assembly) and also to ALL humanity. Calling them out from where they are duly chained by the Enemy by their apostasy and by association or cultic subservience, denial, selfishness, corruption, delusions, doctrines, religiosity, churchianity or by False Prophets & Pastors to TRUE REPENTANCE, OBEDIENCE & SALVATION through faith in Jesus (Yeshua) ...
THAT the Global End-Time True Remnant™ Church is the ONLY Third Covenant Nation™ created by God (Yahweh) to replace the old deeply 'deceptive, corrupted and fallen' Global Church (World Council of Churches & Evangelical Alliance) and also God's former Second Covenant Nation (USA) which, as was biblically foretold, has now become a 'Hissing Sound' and that it has now become the biblical 'Mystery Babylon' ...
THAT the Global End-Time True Remnant™ Church is the ONLY Third Covenant Nation™ created by God (Yahweh). THIS is HIS NEW 'uncorrupted universal' Church on Earth. It is where HIS End-Time True Remnant™ People abide and it is the ONLY 'uncorrupted' 'Bride and Body of Christ' of which Jesus Christ is the head and to which ALL of God's Children globally who are truly 'saved and genetically uncorrupted' belong and should meet in TRUE™ fellowship ...
THAT this Global End-Time True Remnant™ & Holy True Christian™ Church as the ONLY Third Covenant Nation™ created by God (Yahweh) is HIS NEW 'uncorrupted universal' Church on Earth and PEOPLE comprising thereof the WHOLE uncorrupted End-Time Body of Christ being namely:
THAT the Global End-Time True Remnant™ & Holy True Christian™ Church is the ONLY Third Covenant Nation™ created by God (Yahweh). THIS is HIS ONLY True Third Temple. This Temple is not made of Wood, Bricks or Stone but is made of HIS own End-Time True Remnant™ & True Christian™ Peoples Globally. Our individual bodies collectively and sacrificially are HIS New Third Temple being HIS Royal Priesthood™ of which Yeshua (Jesus) is the King & High Priest ...
THAT the 3rd Temple being planned by the Luciferian Zionists in Jerusalem and Christian Zionists in the USA (Mystery Babylon), the UK and elsewhere is not of God (YHWH) but is to enthrone the man of perdition, The Enemy's counterfeit son, the Anti-Christ ...
'However, the Most High does not live in houses made by human hands. As the prophet says: Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool. What kind of house will you build for me? says the Lord.Or where will my resting place be? Has not my hand made all these things?’
'You stiff-necked people! Your hearts and ears are still uncircumcised. You are just like your ancestors: You always resist the Holy Spirit! Was there ever a prophet your ancestors did not persecute? They even killed those who predicted the coming of the Righteous One. And now you have betrayed and murdered him, you who have received the law that was given through angels but have not obeyed it' (Acts 7 v48-53 NIV)
THAT the Global End-Time True Remnant™ Church is the ONLY Third Covenant Nation™ created by God (Yahweh) through which it is the duty of every True Remnant™ 'Follower of Jesus (Yeshua)' to bear personal witness to the Gospel of Jesus (Yeshua) and thereby must take part in Local, Regional, National & Global Evangelism, Personal Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance Ministry to the WHOLE of the End-Time World, for time is short ...
'And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death' (Revelation 12 V11)
THAT the Global End-Time True Remnant™ Church is the ONLY Third Covenant Nation™ created by God (Yahweh). It is also made visible in OUR Faith' where two or three or more people who are so committed to each other 'temporally and spiritually' as friends and as believers, that they are gathered together in any place globally at God's Calling, Choosing and Guidance. They gather together for the Worship of God, (Yahweh), the Preaching of the Word, the Administering of First & Second Baptism and for the Lord's Supper (Communion). They gather together for Pastoral Love, Care and Discipline, for Evangelism in Confirming and Proclaiming the Gospel, for the Healing the Sick, for the Deliverance & Restoration of themselves and of others ...
THAT the Global End-Time True Remnant™ Church is the ONLY Third Covenant Nation™ created by God (Yahweh). It is also made visible in OUR new and growing Global Network of Local Group/s, Church/es or Assembly/ies whether such meeting is as a triumph™ Home Group. a triumphant™ Local Fellowship/Church or as a tabernacle™ An Outreach Spiritual Warfare & Deliverance Mission ...
THAT the Global End-Time True Remnant™ Church is the ONLY Third Covenant Nation™ created by God (Yahweh) as HIS NEW and 'uncorrupted universal' Church on Earth. It is where HIS Global End-Time True Remnant™ People abide in unity being the ONLY TRUE Body of Christ as expressed within and between OUR believers and OUR new and growing Global Network of Local Group/s, Church/es or Assembly/ies shown by our Mutual Love, Care, Spiritual Encouragement, Global Spiritual Authority & Global Spiritual Ministry & Mission ...
THAT First Baptism can be for both infants and for adults (those who have not previously been baptised as infants).
THAT Baptism and the Lord's Supper have been given to OUR Church/Faith by Christ as visible signs of the Gospel. First and/or Infant Baptism is a symbol of your union with Christ and entry into his Church but does not impart spiritual life. In our case First Baptism with us is into the End-Time True Remnant™ Church or as we prefer to call it, into our 'Assembly' ...
THAT people of faith and believers in Yeshua (Jesus) come forward to be the 'God-Parents' (family of friends of the infant being baptised). ALL such 'God-Parents' do solemnly commit themselves to guiding the 'infant' in sound Christian Faith until they reach the responsible age of 12 (twelve) years ...
THAT Second Baptism (Full Immersion) MUST ONLY be entered into by a 'competent or responsible' believer commencing from the age of 12 (twelve) years upwards. We define a truly 'competent or responsible' believer to be a person who has a clear understanding of the requirement for their personal, genuine and humble repentance before Our Heavenly Father and who have a desire to confess their faith in Yeshua (Jesus Christ) and to be 'Born Again' ...
THAT the Second Baptism is the True Spiritual Baptism achieved by the FULL Immersion of the 'competent or responsible' believer in water in the name of the Triune God and this is subject to your own personal repentance and your confession of faith in Yeshua (Jesus Christ). This is so that your sins can be buried into the baptismal waters and that you can arise from the water free of sin and in doing so, you are 'Born Again' ...
THAT the Lord's Supper (Communion) has been given to OUR Church/Faith by Christ as a visible sign of the gospel. The Lord's Supper is a commemoration of Our Saviour's sacrifice as the 'Paschal Lamb' which resulted in HIS Victory over ALL sin ...
THAT consequently and by OUR faith in Yeshua, this has led to OUR righteous restoration to Our Heavenly Father. Our Saviour Yeshua's sacrifice is offered once for ALL. It involves absolutely NO physical change in the Bread and Wine apart from sanctification for it's purposes (Transubstantiation) as we believe that ALL of its blessings are received by us by Faith ...
THAT the Lord's Supper (Communion) MUST ONLY be entered into by a 'competent or responsible' believer commencing from the age of 12 (twelve) years and who is truly a member of OUR End-Time True Remnant™ Church and who is in true fellowship with us. ALL others may receive a 'spiritual blessing'...
THAT we as sinners are without grace and that we must place ourselves in a position of grace by true repentance in Yeshua's Name and that being now in the End-Time Spiritual Warfare battlefield we MUST do this on a DAILY basis BEFORE coming before God ...
THAT we have access to impregnable protection through pleading the blood of Yeshua as a covering from the fiery darts, spiritual attacks, technological attacks (5G/Geo-Engineering/GMO/Food Corruption) and the pharmakeia of the Enemy, (from pharmakeia shedders) and his daemoniac/infernal cohorts and his human proxies and that being now in the End-Time Spiritual Warfare battlefield we MUST do this on a DAILY basis and as the need arises for our ultimate individual spiritual protection ...
THAT we have as sinners can be fully Restored and Delivered from the infernal attacks by the Enemy and his daemoniac/infernal cohorts and his human proxies through the Victory won for us by Yeshua and in his Name and that being now in the End-Time Spiritual Warfare battlefield we MUST do this on a WEEKLY basis and as the need arises for our ultimate individual spiritual protection ...
THAT we have as sinners MUST Confess our Sins and seek forgiveness for them whilst also Proclaiming our Faith in Yeshua and the good news of Salvation available to everyone through the Victory won for us by Yeshua. That being now in the End-Time Spiritual Warfare battlefield we MUST do this on a DAILY basis and as the need arises for our ultimate individual spiritual protection ...
THAT God through his manifold and great mercy has provided a Covenanted way forward to those who have sinned and are 'spiritually corrupted' by the Enemy's pharmakeia and as a consequence thereof do TRULY repent of their sins and who do now come before him in accordance with the new passover promise™ Covenant that he provided to us as his End-Time True Remnant™ Church and Third Covenant Nation™ ...

THAT Crossfire7™ Global Ministries is the 7th Ministry of Celestial Global Ministries™
THAT Celestial Global Ministries™ The 7 Solemnly & Divinely Covenanted End-Time Celestial Global Ministries™ are the full Temporal & Spiritual manifestation of the major Original 7 Ministries given by God to Our Founder in 2017 under The Eliakim Covenant™ which is in itself the SECOND Covenant of 3 Principal Divine & Global Spiritual Covenants that he has entered into with God, being also a part of the 7 Foundation Covenants that our Global Ministries have in all. Entering into Solemn and Divine Covenant with God following his calling to do so is fundamental to our Global True Remnant™ & Holy True Christian™ Church Authority ...

As it is written:
'They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor their righteousness endures forever. Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God' (2Corinthians 9 v9-12) NIV

'The bolts of your gates will be iron and bronze and our strength will equal your days.There is no one like the God of Jeshurun who rides across the heavens to help us and on the clouds in his majesty. The eternal God is our refuge and beneath are the everlasting arms. He will drive out our enemies before us, saying ...‘Destroy them!’ (Deuteronomy 33 v25-27)